5 Post-Tax Season Growth Ideas

We believe you should be marketing your services during tax season because it’s the very best time to grow your business. We also realize that many professionals experience a lull in their business development and marketing activities simply because seasons overlap. Spring taxes are followed by conference season, which leads into summer vacation – and next thing you know, kids are going back to school and the fall deadline is whispering your name. We want to see you grow in every season so we’ve compiled 5 ideas to keep your growth momentum going.


1. Identify tax processes and efficiencies

What do you want to change to improve client service?  Tax season is one of the few times a year that clients interact with you. To keep clients happy, you must ensure you are giving them your very best service. Don’t let those conversations collect cobwebs. Use this time to review what you did, how you did it, and what you can change to improve your processes. This is one of the rare times of year you can take the time to craft real change.

2. Follow up with clients about tax planning and other opportunities

How many times does a client mention something they want to do but then you forget? Probably at least twice as much as you remember. Now is the time to review your notes. If you haven’t done so already, start reaching out to your clients to schedule a time to discuss their plans and opportunities. This move is a win-win. If you can’t find a time to meet right away, at least they will know they are top of mind.

3. Proactively reach out to clients

Reach out to clients who you think could benefit from additional guidance. Even if they didn’t request it, follow up and let them know if you think there is something you can do that will put them in a better position next year. Books in bad shape? Consider offering some bookkeeping training. Were their taxes underpaid or significantly overpaid? Offer quarterly meetings to them. Offering bespoke growth ideas to your clients will separate you from the pack.

4. Take note of frequently asked questions

What are your clients’ most frequently asked questions? Have you noticed a trend in missed tax-planning opportunities? Writing about your clients’ pain points and opportunities during the summer is a great way to position your thought leadership for the fall tax season. You don’t need a novel – 300 to 600 words on the topic should suffice. Not a writer? Consider hiring an outside writer.

5. Revisit your business development activities

Whether it’s the prospect who said that they want to reconnect after tax season or those COIs you have been dodging lunch invitations from, you need to get out there. Striking early (May, June) is optimal, but there are plenty of opportunities (and days left!) in the summer to gain some serious traction.


To keep your growth momentum going, you must keep your eyes and ears open. The pace has slowed a bit, and that’s a sweet place to be. Just remember to use your time wisely and invest in activities that will build your business, evolve your practice, and impress your clients. Need help developing in some areas? We invite you to contact our consulting team about more growth ideas and coaching opportunities at marketing@inovautus.com.