7 Tips for a better LinkedIn Profile

Like most social networking platforms, LinkedIn has become a significant influencer when it comes to helping professionals connect as well as differentiating yourself form your competition. Yet, most professionals forget to give their LinkedIn profile the proper attention to ensure it helps differentiate you from your competition in the marketplace. Below are 7 tips for improving your linkedin profile.

1. Use Keywords

Over 2 billion people searches were performed on LinkedIn last year. Just like with your website, your profile should include keywords in critical places to help searchers more easily find your profile. These should be words that a prospect of COI might use to search for your services. (note: these may not be the same terms you would use to describe your services) Key places keywords should be placed include your title, summary sections, specialties, experience, position titles and skills.


2. Personalize your summary section

Your summary shouldn’t be a copy of your CV or professional biography. while it should incorporate similar content, (services and segments you serve, problems you help clients solve, and relevant experience, and associations or leadership information) it should also include a small amount of personal information that help give a visitor insights into who you are. Your summary should also be written in a more conversation tone. Think about the tone you would use when having lunch with someone and use a similar language for your profile.


3. List all past companies you have been employed by

This will significantly open up your network because LinkedIn will suggest people you may know based on the companies you have listed in your experience.


4. Get recommended

Nothing says credibility more than a great endorsement from someone in your network. Unless you have testimonial constraints (sorry to all my financial planners and wealth managers) everyone should work on getting recommendations.


5. Add your certifications

LinkedIn gives you the ability to list certifications you have received.


6. Add publications you have published or commented on

Link current and past publications you have authored or have commented on to help give you network and visitors insight into the areas you know best.


7. Connect, Connect, Connect

As your network expands, so will your presecence on LinkedIn. Make sure you are continuously working to connect with people you know and meet. As your connections grow, so too will the power of your network. Keep in mind that not all connections are good connections. Make sure you know or have communicated with individuals in the past and try to avoid connecting just to connect.

Have more tips on how to create a better LinkedIn profile? Please share them with us!