Heidi Holmberg

Brand Experience Manager

Heidi Holmberg

Heidi Holmberg

Brand Experience Manager


Originally a student of education, Heidi abandoned her plans to become a secondary teacher when the opportunity to join a growing marketing team for a multi-billion-dollar medical supply company landed at her feet. Since then, she has served in nearly every capacity of marketing, including training development, event management, graphic design, and copywriting. Today, she flexes all those muscles in her role as brand experience manager.

  • Heidi lives 40 miles outside the beautiful and culinary wonder, Chicago.
  • With an amusement park in her backyard (literally - Six Flags Great America is within eye -and ear- shot), and miles of river trails and a Great Lake to her East, Heidi is always two steps away from an adventure.
  • Even with three {energetic} kids, a {rockstar} husband, 2 {sassy} felines, and 1 {adorable} rescue pup, she still finds the time to check to-dos off her Pinterest list.
  • Heidi is passionate about learning and not-so-secretly wants to host a podcast.

Heidi belongs to the Loosely Bound bookclub and enjoys reading (almost) everything but insists on paper over e-readers. If she could only recommend one book, it would be Romans, but a close second would be the Lord of the Rings series.

Professional reads include, Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves, The Power of Moments by Chip Heath and Dan Heath, and What Got You Here Won't Get You There by Marshall Goldsmith.

Ever the podcast lover, Heidi recommends This American Life, The Moth, Akimbo, and Brought to you by... 

Q + A With Heidi

A classic overthinker, this question is way too existential to answer in a few sentences! In a nutshell, I love the process of creation. Helping our clients resonate with their market or improve their culture is very rewarding.

Primarily, my family. Next, my team. Everyone genuinely desires to create the best experience for our clients. Their passion and sincerity drives me to reach higher and dig deeper every day.

Having started my marketing journey in the medical supply industry, I know how important staff education is for desired outcome. I love being a part of our clients' learning opportunities - it gives me so much joy when a consultant shares a client win that is a direct result of their investment in training. I'm also passionate about aesthetics. Whether it's ensuring brand continuity or designing a white paper, I relish projects that allow me to inject functional creativity.

I'm living my biggest professional win. I get to practice my favorite things every single day and am surrounded by some incredibly talented people and leaders.

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