CPA Profession Is Shaken but Poised for Opportunity Despite COVID-19

  Most organizations, including accounting firms, are facing a new business environment. The world looks very different than it did earlier this year when many firms were planning their 2020 projects and budgets. Inovautus Consulting, in collaboration with the Association for Accounting Marketing, conducted a survey to learn more about the marketing and growth outlook…

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Are Your Vision and Strategy Steering Your Ship?

Now more than ever, your firm’s vision and strategy are being tested. Like a rudder, your firm’s vision and strategy steers the ship in both sound and stormy weather, keeps the focus where it’s needed, and steadfastly moves your firm toward its goals. In times of crisis and uncertainty, there are many opportunities to get…

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What Does a Crisis Reveal About Your Business Development Skills?

  A common turn of phrase is that a crisis reveals our character in how we respond. While that may be true in some respects, I believe what a crisis actually uncovers is how effective we are with our skills. The question is, what is this crisis revealing about your CPA firm’s business development (BD)…

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Leading a Remote Workforce

As a completely virtual workforce since our founding, we have been passionately sharing our experiences with our clients and community for years. As many firms now face a forced entry into remote work, we thought we would take this opportunity to share our experiences as a completely virtual staff. In this series, we will explore…

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Are You Prepared to Help Clients in Uncertain Times?

In the late hours of March 11, President Trump instructed the Treasury Department to defer tax payments without interest or penalties for certain individuals and businesses negatively impacted by COVID-19 pandemic, commonly known as coronavirus. A new deadline is not yet in place, and potential victims have yet to emerge as the story continues to…

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3 Ideas to Amplify Your Business Development Efforts

The annual Association for Accounting Marketing Conference is always a hotbed of great ideas and this year’s gathering was no exception.  We learned great concepts for business development from professionals across the accounting profession, and we’d like to share them with you!  Here are 3 ideas to amplify business development in your accounting firm. Ask…

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Reflections on Growth: 2016

The holidays are a wonderful time for reflection. At Inovautus, we live and breathe the qualities of a growth mindset, professional innovation and integrity all year long. As we enter the last two weeks of 2016, we want to take some time to reflect on all our successes from the past year. Our most significant…

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Sarah Johnson Dobek Named to CPA Practice Advisor’s 20 Under 40 List

September continues to deliver well-deserved recognition to our President and Founder, Sarah Johnson Dobek. Having been named to CPA Practice Advisor’s first ever 20 Under 40 list, Sarah joins the ranks of other visionaries in the field of accounting who are helping advance the profession through their roles in technology, education, consulting and firm development.…

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Are You Solving Your Clients’ Problems?

  Why focus on solving your clients’ problems? The simple answer is, why wouldn’t you? Most people don’t get into business to not solve their clients’ problems. When we go out and present ourselves to potential clients, we tend to forget to focus on the very simple concept of problem-solving. Instead of learning how we…

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6 Tips for Generating Content

Content is at the center of most accounting firm marketing today, but developing ideas for what your target audience might find relevant can often be a challenge. Below are 6 tips for where to find great content ideas. 1. Mine Your Emails/Conversations with Clients Your clients are a wealth of information for content development; the questions they…

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