Is Your Accounting Firm Better Than Average?

How are accounting firm marketing budgets being spent these days? In the most recent Association for Accounting Marketing (AAM) Growth Strategies magazine (for members), there’s a very compelling breakout titled Top 5 Spending Categories: High-Growth Firms vs. Average Firms. I won’t give away the farm, spill the beans or let the cat out of the bag (you choose your favorite), but suffice it to say, there’s a wide difference in how the two types of firms allocate their marketing dollars. Notably, clocking in at #2 on the list for the high-growth firms it’s our old pal Content Creation. This noble steed doesn’t even register on the spend list for the firms that are unfortunately mired in their homegrown average-growth muck. Oh, this is only but one of several differentiators, my friends.investment concept

Find out more, learn more, implement better and lead your firms down the marketing and growth culture hallway that leads to greatness (and a very fine buffet). If you’re an accounting firm marketer who is not a member of AAM, I highly recommend that you reconsider your position. There’s no fun in being “average.”


“I am only an average man but, by George,
I work harder at it than the average man.”

                                  –Theodore Roosevelt