5 New Twitter Features Offer CPAs More Ways to Connect with Clients

Twitter Lead Generation Cards

It’s hard to keep up with all your clients, let alone the changing social media landscape.  Twitter is an important network for your company’s growth and we’ve compiled 5 recent Twitter enhancements your firm can explore to improve your social media marketing.

1) New Twitter Layout

Twitter’s new redesign includes an inline tweet box in the left-hand column. This makes it much easier to share your tweets from within the Twitter application. The biggest and most effective change, however, is its new emphasis on images. It has been reported that tweets with images received 150% more retweets than those without. If time during this tax season doesn’t allow for a lot of tweeting, consider adding images to the ones you do get out.

2) Mobile Enhancements

Twitter has recently added Promoted Accounts to mobile timelines. This is good news since the amount of users who use mobile devices to check their email and social networks is growing. If you do decide to use this form of Twitter advertising, it will work the same way as before where you only pay for each person who becomes a follower through your promotion.

3) Tracking Conversions, Not Just Visits

You can now track engagements AND conversions on Promoted Tweets. This means that when someone interacts with your promotion, clicks through to your landing page and fills out your form, Twitter kicks that information back to its reporting feature so you can see exactly how your promotions have performed. You’ll know exactly how many conversions you received from your marketing investment.

4) Twitter Offers Targeted Audiences to its Advertisers

This is a great feature for Accounting firms with multiple services. For example, let’s say a user visits the Taxes page of your website. That behavioral information is sent back to Twitter and can be tagged “Tax.” That same user can then see a targeted promotion regarding tax filing from your firm.

5) Twitter Cards

Perhaps the most interesting change is the launch of Twitter Cards. By placing a few lines of code on your blog pages or website, visitors who share your content on Twitter will automatically have a “card” attached to their post. This makes it easier for their followers to find you from that particular share.

There are six different types of cards you can choose from to enhance your shares, however, the one we recommend for CPAs is the new Lead Generation Card. These Cards allow users to securely provide their email address without ever leaving Twitter. Since Twitter is a social network, these cards make it easy for prospects to act on the referral they just saw from a friend.

Do some experimenting with these new features on your own. If you have any questions on these new features, feel free to ask us in the comments and we’ll get back to you right away.

Photo courtesy of Twitter Ads