A Case Study on Event ROI


The Challenge

Like many of the firms we have worked with, we had one particular client that hosted a lot of events. Events are a core part of marketing; they provide an opportunity to engage with prospects and position the host as a thought leader in their profession. However, our client wasn’t sure what they were getting out of their events and whether or not they were working.


dreamstime_xs_68181089The Solution

Over the course of a year, we worked closely with this client to explore their motivations for hosting events and examine their current return on investment. We started by helping them address why they were hosting events. We met with each practice leader to better understand what they were hoping to accomplish during and after their events. Based on the information we received, we put together a tool (what we call a scorecard) to help them measure the success of their past and current events. This tool allowed our client to track sales won from events and provided a model to attribute revenue based on where leads originated from and the event’s influence on future sales. Once we developed the scorecard, we trained the firm on the process and created a template that would guide event planning, goal setting, and measurement guidelines.


The Result

After implementing the scorecard and planning process, the firm was able to see exactly how their events were working and what their events were producing. This deeper understanding allowed the firm to really look at what they were doing and how they could begin to get the results they really wanted from their events. As a result of that deep-dive analysis, their focus on strategy for their events became extremely important to ensure the success they were seeking. The firm now has a very established process for its events and is generating measurable ROI on these events.


If you are interested in receiving our Event Scorecard Template, please email marketing@inovautus.com.