Should Santa Claus Be In Congress?

Last Saturday I was outside in the front yard when the mail truck pulled up to the box. I walked over and greeted the woman who brings the mail and as she handed me a small box from Amazon she commented about how she’s had far more parcels to deliver this Christmas season than ever before. Naturally, this made me think of the Internet Tax Freedom Act and the tangled web that online sellers have to contend with – and how much more burdensome it’s likely to get.

With the 9,600 taxing jurisdictions in the United States, the complexities, red tape and inordinate hurdles that are conceivably lurking ahead … well, it’s almost enough for small online sellers to reconsider their positions. Sure, there needs to be fairness in the marketplace, but let’s not get all crazy with excessive reporting requirements that go beyond good sense and practicality. This country is based on small business – and we can’t afford to forget that. holiday box

So if you encounter your friendly (hopefully) United States Postal Service, UPS, Federal Express, DHL, etc., worker this Christmas season, give ‘em a smile and a “thank you.” Now, as for those in Congress complicating our lives, that’s strictly up to you!

Now, I wonder what the package delivery people think about the Internet Tax Freedom Act?

Merry Christmas!